Sunday, August 06, 2006

India and Pakistan in expulsions

India and Pakistan have expelled diplomats from each other's countries after Pakistan accused an Indian visa official of "undesirable activities".
Pakistani officials said Deepak Kaul, who worked at the Indian High Commission in Islamabad, was caught "red-handed" with sensitive documents.

India denied the allegation and expelled a Pakistani diplomat in return, India's foreign ministry said.

Relations have soured since train bombings in Mumbai (Bombay) last month.

More than 180 people died in the bombings, which India said were carried out by militants with support in Pakistan. Pakistan denied the allegation.

An unnamed Pakistani government official said Mr Kaul was caught en route to Islamabad by Pakistani agents, the Associated Press news agency reported.

TCA Raghwan, deputy high commissioner at the Indian mission, confirmed Mr Kaul had been ordered to leave but denied he had committed any wrongdoing.

"We reject these allegations," Mr Raghwan told AP.

Hours later, India expelled Pakistani diplomat Sayed Mohammed Rafq Ahmed, without giving a reason. via bbc new